Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Life Ruiner... It ruins people's lives

1. It is a foreign when it's hard and I don't understand I can't say "this is like a foreign language to me... because it literally is.
2. I am southern and me speaking it is a joke.
3. It has put my life on hold.
4. It... (along with other stress) gave me shingles.
5. It has a different alphabet... probably just to confuse things more.
6. The letters that are actually the same as English letters don't even make the same sound.
7. It consumes way too much of my time.
8. It is spoken waaaaay to fast.
9. I hate it
10. It's gross

1 comment:

  1. Great Mean Girls reference. Oh, Spanish. No bueno (aka no good). You are to Spanish as I was to taking Italian. :)
